V47C Alternate QSL
St. Kitts Island (Saint Christopher Island)
CQ: 8, ITU:
11, IOTA: NA-104, Lat/Lon 17.20N/62.45W
(from L to R)
Markus Hammelmann V47AX (DK5AX), Norm Sanger V47GS (VE3VFR), Bruce Phegley
V47OV (W4OV)
ARRL DX CW Contest 2000,
Contest Call V47C (V47C
QSL Manager VE3VFR)
(All other V47 calls QSL via Home Call)
Multi-Single category. Total 2,956 contest QSO's (contacts) over 2.6 million
Many thanks to the Bird Rock Beach Resort Hotel for their support and
Station Equipment: Rigs: IC-706MKIIG &
IC-706MKII, Amp: AL-811H,
Antennas: Mosley Mini 33 (3-Element Yagi), AP8A Vertical,
fiberglass loop wire antenna (WARC Bands), 160 meter Helium Balloon antenna,
MFJ 962D Ant. Tuner, I.C.E. Bandpass Filters, NA
Contest Program
For more information and statistics, visit the W4OV Web Site: